Pixelmator releases Pixelmator Pro 2.1 Coral with AI driven cropping

Pixelmator Team released Pixelmator Pro 2.1 Coral, which adds notable new features, including the ability to improve the composition of photos with machine learning, a Quick Fill feature, improved painting tools, and more. Powered by Core ML, the ML Crop feature lets users automatically crop photos with a single click. With ML Crop turned on, hovering over different aspects ratio presets will preview them with ML Crop’s suggestions, which are generated by on-device processing to ensure high performance and privacy. In addition, the Crop tool has been redesigned to include perspective correction, crop overlays, and more.
The Quick Fill feature lets users change the look of objects in compositions via simple drag and drop. Just drag a color from the new color well in the Pixelmator Pro toolbar and drop it onto any object in your image to change its color. The Quick Fill feature works with every layer type, including images, shapes, and text layers.
The recent Pixelmator Pro 2.1.3 update adds an improved PSD engine, support for PSD shapes, support for PSB files (very large PSDs), layered TIFF files (which include embedded PSDs),better support for effects, and support for some adjustment layers (such as Hue/Saturation, Exposure, Invert, and Channel Mixer).
Pixelmator Pro 2.1 Coral is a Universal app, so it runs natively on both M1 and Intel-based Macs. Updates to the image editing app are free for existing users of Pixelmator Pro, which can be downloaded directly from the Mac App Store.